I've been an artist ever since I can remember that first time I picked up a pencil. Way back in my home country Chile where I was born on March 10, 1987. However it would not have been possible for me to become an artist if it wasn't for my grandma giving me that push and drive. She always told me if I'm bored, to grab a pencil and draw. So that's what I did, and I couldn't stop.
I was always drawing, sketching, doodling, coloring, you name it - and I'll draw it up. Art class back in school was always my favorite, especially at a young age with that lively imagination. The day came when my grandparents we were moving to Long Island, New York in '96. A whole new world came into my life with so many doors to choose in the realm of art and music. I started getting into graphitti, painting, hip-hop, rock, and as I got older, music became more a part of my art depending on the mood and style that I wanted to do.
I kept drawing and progressing. I would go to the city and see all the graphitti on rooftops, walls and signs. I would be like, "Damn!", those colors caught my attention. One day, around 10, I passed by a tattoo parlor in Long Island and wondered what it would be like to get a tattoo. By this time I was noticing people with tattoos amazed at how beautiful they can be. I walked into a parlor at 15 but got turned down, Haha! During that time I drew here and there, but it wasn't until the last few weeks in Long Island that I just drew my ass off, rough times, and my only outlet was art. That's when I thought about becoming a tattoo artist.
In '06 I moved to San Antonio. My mind was set on getting an apprenticeship, and I got one. Eight months later, I was tattooing. I had a few influences and good peeps that I met along the way that kicked me down some knowledge. I never really had a main artist teach me, I just learned along the way and am still learning. That's what I love, there is so much progression that you never stop learning.
Now in '09 I'm tattooing out of Tattoo Innerprize. I have two years of experience and counting. I customize in color, New School, Graphitti, and Color Realism. So when your ready to get that new piece that makes everyone give it a second look, come on by. I'll be ready to "Moff" you!
E-Mail: moff@tattooinnerprize.com or come by to one of our two locations. TattooInnerprize.com
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